[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내] 

연사 : 고복순 박사(경상대학교 의과대학 해부학과)

연제 : Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in the Prefrontal Cortex Mediates the Suppressive Effect of  Intra-PFC Infusion of BDNF on Cocaine-Seeking

일시 : 2018년 6월 4일 (월) 오후 5시 30분

장소 : 하나과학관 A동 207호

초청교수 : 백자현 교수


Cocaine self-administration induces dysfunctional neuroadaptations in the prefrontal cortex that underlie relapse to cocaine-seeking. Cocaine self-administration disturbs glutamatergic transmission in the nucleus accumbens that is prevented by infusion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) into the prelimbic area of the prefrontal cortex. Intra-prelimbic infusion of BDNF decreases cocaine-seeking in a TrkB-ERK MAP kinase-dependent manner. Neuronal activity triggers an interaction between TrkB receptors and NMDA receptors, leading to ERK activation. In the present study, infusion of the GluN2A-containing NMDA receptor antagonist, TCN-201, or the GluN2B-containing NMDA receptor antagonist, Ro-25-6981, into the prelimbic cortex of rats blocked the suppressive effect of BDNF on cocaine-seeking. During early withdrawal from cocaine self-administration, tyrosine phosphorylation of ERK, GluN2A, and GluN2B in the prelimbic cortex was reduced and this reduction of phospho-proteins was prevented by intra-prelimbic BDNF infusion. TCN-201 infusion into the prelimbic cortex inhibited the BDNF-mediated increase in pERK and pGluN2A whereas Ro-25-6981 infusion into the prelimbic cortex blocked BDNF-induced elevation of pERK and pGluN2B, indicating that both GluN2A- and GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors underlie BDNF-induced ERK activation. These data demonstrate that BDNF-mediated activation of GluN2A- and GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors underlies ERK activation in the prelimbic cortex during early withdrawal, preventing subsequent relapse to cocaine-seeking.