[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내] 

연사 : 황대희 교수(DGIST 뉴바이올로지 전공)

연제 : Systems approaches to complex human diseases

일시 : 2018년 6월 15일 (금) 오후 5시 

장소 : 하나과학관 A동 B131호

초청교수 : 백자현 교수


Living organisms execute their diverse functions by virtue of the operation of biological networks. Disease arises by genetic or environmental perturbations of these biological networks. A systems view of disease attempts to understand the initiation and progression of disease in terms of their initial disease-perturbations and their dynamic transitions as disease progresses. Systems approaches to diseases have two cardinal features: 1) global analyses to generate comprehensive data sets (e.g. how do all genes, mRNAs or proteins change upon perturbation or during transition) and 2) the integration of different levels of biological information (e.g. DNA, mRNA, protein, interactions, networks, tissues or organs, individuals, etc) to generate coherent hypotheses about health and disease. In this talk, I will present systems approaches used to understand perturbed networks in several diseases and to decode mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis based on the networks. These approaches transform how one thinks about disease—explaining dynamic aspects of its pathophysiology and/or offering a new approach to diagnostics and therapeutics.