[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내] 

연사 : 구자현 교수(서울대학교 약학대학)

연제 : Immediate assembly of AP-1 by the Hippo pathway for organ size control and tumor growth

일시 : 2022년 03월 18일 (금) 오후 4시 30분 

장소 : 온라인 화상 강의로 진행됩니다.

초청교수 : 홍정호 교수


Yes-associated protein (YAP) and its homolog transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) are key effectors of the Hippo pathway to control cell growth and organ size, of which dysregulation yields to tumorigenesis or hypertrophy. Upon activation, YAP/TAZ translocate into the nucleus and bind to TEAD transcription factors to promote transcriptional programs for proliferation or cell specification. Here, the data show that YAP/TAZ directly promote FOS transcription that in turn contributes to the biological function of YAP/TAZ. Genetic deletion or chemical inhibition of AP-1 suppresses growth of YAP-driven cancer cells, such as Lats1/2-deficient cancer cells as well as Gαq/11-mutated uveal melanoma. Furthermore, AP-1 inhibition almost completely abrogates the hepatomegaly induced by YAP overexpression. These reveal a feedforward interplay between immediate early transcription of AP-1 and Hippo pathway function. Toward the end, a potential link between metabolism and the Hippo pathway may be discussed as one of the future aims.