연사 : 김상규(기초과학연구원 유전체교정 연구단) 
연제 : Ecological roles of the circadian rhythms in Nicotiana attenuata flowers
초청인:  김옥매 교수    
일시: 2014/08/25 (월) 오전 10시 30분
장소: 녹지관 109호  
내용요약(abstract) :

The wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata, which is native in the Great Basin Desert in the southwestern USA, has been studied extensively with molecular and analytical techniques in the lab and also in their native habitat over the last two decades. I will discuss how we are using this plant to answer ecological questions derived from natural observation. First, I will talk about the diurnal rhythms in N. attenuata flowers: the rhythmic opening/closing, vertical movement, and volatile emissions to attract pollinators at specific times. Second, I will discuss how N. attenuata plants defend themselves against the stem weevil Trichobaris mucorea and the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta. Finally, I will talk about the function of the floral nectary, which produces nectar.