대학원 생명과학과 금요세미나 안내]


연사 : 강봉균교수 (서울대학교 생명과학부)


연제 : Synaptic plasticity from memory to brain disorders


일시 : 20154월 17() 오후 4


장소 : 하나과학관 101


초청교수 김옥매교수 




One of the great challenges in the 21stcentury is to understand the biology of mental activity or mind. One of key components in the mind is learning and memory. Learning is the process by which we obtain the information about the external world; memory is the process by which that information is stored and retrieved. My lab has been interested in addressing (1) what molecular mechanism underlies memory consolidation; (2) how memory is reorganized during reconsolidation process; (3) how we can erase our bad memory. To address these issues, we have used two experimental animal models: Aplysia and mouse. Today, I will introduce some of the key molecules that are critically involved in memory processes via synaptic plasticity in the nervous system. We found that signaling molecules and transcriptional factors required for memory consolidation are evolutionarily conserved. As memory is a dynamic and mutable process, we found that memory reorganization occurs via disruption of pre-existing memory by proteasome-dependent protein degradation and update of new information by protein synthesis. Finally I will show how synaptic plasticity and synaptic events are critically involved not only in learning and memory, but also in neurological and psychiatric disorders such as chronic pain and autism.