[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내] 

연사 : 심상희 교수(고려대 화학과)

연제 : Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy for subcellular structures and dynamics

일시 : 2017년 12월 15일 (금) 오후 5시 

장소 : 하나과학관 A동 B131호

초청교수 : 송현규 교수


Super-resolutionfluorescence microscopy opens new windows for visualizing ultrastructuraldynamics.  When applied to living cells, super-resolution fluorescence microscopy suffers from the limited length oftime-lapse series due to high intensities of illumination and photobleaching offluorophores.  To overcome the challenges in photobleaching, we use a fluorogen-binding protein, UnaG for overcoming the photobleaching limit by controllingthe switching kinetics and by supplying a large excess of fluorogenes.  UnaG fluorescence can be switched off by bluelight and then, recovered by replacing the damaged fluorogen with a fresh onein solution for hundreds of cycles. These switching properties enabledlong-term super-resolution imaging based on single-molecule localization, with significant improvement (about 10-fold) in the number of independentsuper-resolution snapshots.  With this tool in hand, we demonstrate long-term (tens of minutes) observation of the endoplasmic reticulumn (ER) and genomic loci using CRISPR/Cas9 system.